Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Setting a target for EOY...

Reflecting on my term 1 , term 2, term 3, I realised that I have the potential to score. Its just that I needed more practice on mainly my chemistry, my weakest component of the 3 science components. I do best in biology but for physics, I also need to practise drawing light diagrams. Thus, I have purchased assesments books from the "popular" bookstore that specifically targets chemistry. For physics and biology, I am going do re-do all the LSS exercises and thus, I think that I can be able to sit the exams with ease. Not burning the midnight oil, I have already started on the chemistry assesment book and I hope to be able to finish that thick book by week 4 so that I would have the weekends and week 5 to do an overall revision.

My EOY target: A1

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